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Bigdata, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Bigdata, Hadoop ecosystem, Semantic IoT등의 프로젝트를 진행중에 습득한 내용을 정리하는 곳입니다.
필요한 분을 위해서 공개하고 있습니다. 문의사항은 gooper@gooper.com로 메일을 보내주세요.

Drools 슬라이딩 윈도우 예제

총관리자 2016.07.28 15:03 조회 수 : 72

---결과 값 -------------

 init session.getFactCount() = 0

speed: 602.92267

speed: 601.1532

speed: 607.839

speed: 600.9022

speed: 609.21796

speed: 602.91187

speed: 604.02515

speed: 608.272

speed: 607.80176

speed: 606.90405

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

AA001 average speed: 605.982958984375

 matched count of Fact = 10


package com.gooper.drool_test;

import com.gooper.drool_test.model.FlightStatus

import com.gooper.drool_test.model.FlightControl

import com.gooper.drool_test.model.EmergencySignal

declare FlightStatus



declare EmergencySignal



rule "First contact"

salience 100


    $currentFlight : FlightStatus() from entry-point "flight-control"

    not (exists (FlightStatus(this != $currentFlight, flight == $currentFlight.flight) from entry-point "flight-control"))

    $control : FlightControl()



    System.out.println("First contact with Flight " + $currentFlight.getFlight());


rule "flight arrival"


    $flight : FlightStatus() from entry-point "flight-arrival"

    $control : FlightControl()

    // Obtain resources to prepare the flight landing


    System.out.println("Flight " + $flight.getFlight() + " arriving to " + $control.getAirport() + ". Sending instructions");

    // Send instructions to arriving flight


rule "flight average speed"


    $flight : FlightStatus() from entry-point "flight-control"

    $averageSpeed : Number(floatValue > 0) from accumulate(FlightStatus(flight==$flight.flight, $speed:speed) over window:length(5) 

                                                          from entry-point "flight-control",



    System.out.println($flight.getFlight() + " average speed: " + $averageSpeed);



package com.gooper.drool_test;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock;

import org.kie.api.KieBase;

import org.kie.api.KieBaseConfiguration;

import org.kie.api.conf.EventProcessingOption;

import org.kie.api.io.ResourceType;

import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession;

import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSessionConfiguration;

import org.kie.api.runtime.conf.ClockTypeOption;

import org.kie.api.runtime.rule.EntryPoint;

import org.kie.internal.KnowledgeBaseFactory;

import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilder;

import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory;

import org.kie.internal.io.ResourceFactory;

import com.gooper.drool_test.custom.CustomAgendaEventListener;

import com.gooper.drool_test.custom.CustomWorkingMemoryEventListener;

import com.gooper.drool_test.helper.FlightSimulation;

import com.gooper.drool_test.model.FlightStatus;

import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilderError;


 * Sliding-window test


public class SlidingWindow {

public static final void main(String[] args) {

               try {

              // 지식 빌더 생성

                    KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();


                    // 지식 빌더에 룰정의파일 설정

                    kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory. newClassPathResource("sliding_rules.drl"), ResourceType. DRL );

if (kbuilder.hasErrors()) {

if(kbuilder.getErrors().size() > 0) {

for(KnowledgeBuilderError kerror : kbuilder.getErrors()) {

System.out.println("error :" + kerror);




// 설정정보를 변경하기위한 config접근 정보를 얻음

KieBaseConfiguration config = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();


KieSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();


// 새로운 지식 베이스 생성

                    KieBase kiebase = kbuilder.newKnowledgeBase();


                    // 새로운 지식 베이스 세션 생성

                    KieSession session = kiebase.newKieSession(conf,null);


                    // logger등록(팩트에 의해 생성된 엑티베이션(Activation)관련 이벤트만 로깅)

                    //session.addEventListener(new CustomAgendaEventListener());


                    // logger등록(팩트의 추가/수정/제거 이벤트에 대한 정보)

                    //session.addEventListener(new CustomWorkingMemoryEventListener());


                    System.out.println(" init session.getFactCount() = " + session.getFactCount());


                    // SessionClock의 레퍼런스를 얻는다

                    SessionPseudoClock clock = session.getSessionClock();


                    FlightSimulation flightAA001 = new FlightSimulation("AA001", "San Francisco", "Los Angeles", 270);


                    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

                    FlightStatus flightStatus = flightAA001.update();

                    EntryPoint flightArrivalEntryPoint = session.getEntryPoint("flight-control");


                    clock.advanceTime(5,  TimeUnit.MINUTES);




                    int matchedCnt = session.fireAllRules();

                    System.out.println(" matched count of Fact = " + matchedCnt);



              } catch (Throwable t) {






package com.gooper.drool_test.helper;

import java.util.Random;

import com.gooper.drool_test.model.FlightStatus;



 * @author Lucas Amador



public class FlightSimulation {

    private static final int AIRPORT_AIR_SPACE = 50;

    private Random rnd = new Random();

    private final String flight;

    private final String origin;

    private final String destination;

    private long distance;

    private boolean landed;

    public FlightSimulation(String flight, String origin, String destination, long distance) {

        this.flight = flight;

        this.origin = origin;

        this.destination = destination;

        this.distance = distance;


    public FlightStatus update() {

        FlightStatus flightStatus = new FlightStatus();





        this.distance = calculateDistance();



        System.out.println("speed: " + flightStatus.getSpeed());

        return flightStatus;


    private long calculateDistance() {

        if ((distance - AIRPORT_AIR_SPACE) <= AIRPORT_AIR_SPACE) {

            landed = true;

            return 0;


        return distance - AIRPORT_AIR_SPACE;


    private float currentSpeed() {

        return (rnd.nextFloat() * 10) + 600;


    public boolean isLanded() {

        return landed;



package com.gooper.drool_test.model;

import java.util.Date;

 * @author Lucas Amador
public class FlightStatus {

    private String flight;
    private Date timestamp;
    private String origin;
    private String destination;
    private long distance;
    private float speed;
    private boolean processed;

    public String getFlight() {
        return flight;

    public void setFlight(String flight) {
        this.flight = flight;

    public Date getTimestamp() {
        return timestamp;

    public void setTimestamp(Date timestamp) {
        this.timestamp = timestamp;

    public String getOrigin() {
        return origin;

    public void setOrigin(String origin) {
        this.origin = origin;

    public String getDestination() {
        return destination;

    public void setDestination(String destination) {
        this.destination = destination;

    public long getDistance() {
        return distance;

    public void setDistance(long distance) {
        this.distance = distance;

    public float getSpeed() {
        return speed;

    public void setSpeed(float speed) {
        this.speed = speed;

    public void setProcessed(boolean processed) {
        this.processed = processed;

    public boolean getProcessed() {
        return processed;

public String toString() {
return "FlightStatus [flight=" + flight + ", timestamp=" + timestamp + ", origin=" + origin + ", destination="
+ destination + ", distance=" + distance + ", speed=" + speed + ", processed=" + processed
+ ", getFlight()=" + getFlight() + ", getTimestamp()=" + getTimestamp() + ", getOrigin()=" + getOrigin()
+ ", getDestination()=" + getDestination() + ", getDistance()=" + getDistance() + ", getSpeed()="
+ getSpeed() + ", getProcessed()=" + getProcessed() + ", getClass()=" + getClass() + ", hashCode()="
+ hashCode() + ", toString()=" + super.toString() + "]";


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