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Bigdata, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Bigdata, Hadoop ecosystem, Semantic IoT등의 프로젝트를 진행중에 습득한 내용을 정리하는 곳입니다.
필요한 분을 위해서 공개하고 있습니다. 문의사항은 gooper@gooper.com로 메일을 보내주세요.

*출처1 : https://www.cloudera.com/more/training/certification/cca-spark.html

*출처2 : http://www.hadoopexam.com/Cloudera_Certification/CCA175/CCA175_Cloudera_Hadoop_and_Spark_Developer_Tips_and_Tricks.pdf

1. Preparation: I have gone through all the CCA175 Questions and practice the code provided by
http://www.HadoopExam.com Thanks for your questions and code content. The content was
excellent and it helped me a lot. (Especially I have gone through all the Spark Professional
training module as well)
2. No. Of Questions: Generally you will get 10 questions in real exam: Topic will be coverings are
Sqoop, Hive, Pyspark and Scala and avro-tools to extract schema (All questions are covered in
CCA175 Certification Simulator).
3. Code Snippets: will be provided for Pyspark and Scala. You have to edit the snippets accordingly
as per the problem statement.
4. Real Exam Environment: Gateway node will be accessible for execution of the problems during
the exam. Keep in mind there will not be any on-screen timer available during the exam. You
have to keep asking for the time left. There are three sections for each problem i.e.
· Instructions
· Data Set
· Output Requirements.
Please go through all the three sections carefully before start developing the code.
Note: If you started developing code right after looking at the Instruction part of the question,
then later you will realized the exact details of the table like name of the table and HDFS
directory are also mentioned. This can waste your time if have to redo the code or might as well
cost you a question.
5. Editor: nano, gedit are not available. So if you have to edit any code snippets, you have to use vi
alone. Please make yourself familiar with vi editor if you are not.
6. Fill in blanks: You dont have to write entire code for Python and Scala for Apache Spark,
generally they will ask you to do fill in the blanks.
7. Flume: Very few questions on flume.
8. Difficulty Level: If you have enough knowledge, you will feel exam is quite easy. The questions
were logically easy and can be answered in the first attempt if you read the question carefully
(all three sections).
9. Common mistake in Sqoop: People use connector as localhost which is wrong, you have to use
full name instead of localhost (Avoid wasting your time). Use given hostname
10. Hive: Have initial knowledge of hive as well.
11. Spark: Using basic transform functions to get desired output. For instance filter according
particular scenario, sorting and ranking etc.
12. Avro-tool : avro-tool to get schema of avro file. (Very  nicely covered in CCA175
HadoopExam.com Simulator)
13. Big Mistake: Avoid accidently deleting your data: good practice is necessary to avoid such
mistakes. (Once you delete or drop hive table, you have to create it entirely once again.) Same is
instructed by www.HadoopExam.com during their videos  session provided at
http://cca175cloudera.training4exam.com/ (Please go through sample sessions)
14. Spark-sql: They will not ask questions based on Spark Sql learn importantly aggregate, reduce,
15. Time management: It is very important, (That’s the reason you need too much practice, use
CCA175 simulator to practice all the questions at least a week or two before your real exam).
16. Data sets in real exam is quite larger, hence it will take 2 to 5 mins for execution.

17. Attempts: try to attempt all questions at least 9/10, hence you must be able to score 70%.
18. File format: In most of questions there was tab delimited file to process.
19. Python or Scala: You will get a preloaded python or scala file to work with, so you don't have a
choice whether you want to attempt a question via scala or pyspark. (I have gone through all the
Video sessions provided by www.HadoopExam.com here
20. Connection Issue: If you got disconnected during exam, you may need to contact the proctor
immediately. If he/she is not available log back into examslocal.com and use their online help.
21. Shell scripts: Have good experience to use shell scripts.
22. Question types as mentioned in syllabus : Questions were from Sqoop(import and export),
Hive(table creation and dynamic partitioning), Pyspark and Scala(Joining, sorting and filtering
data), avro-tools. Snippets of code will be provided for Pyspark and Scala. You have to edit the
snippets accordingly as per the problem statement and can the script file(which is another file
apart from snippet) to get the results.
23. Overall exam is easy, but require lot of practice to complete on time and for accurate
solutions of the problem. Hence go through the all below material for CCA175 (It will not take
more than a month, if you are new and already know the Spark and Hadoop then 2-3 weeks
are good enough.
· CCA175 : Hadoop and Spark Developer Certification practice questions
· Hadoop professional training
· Spark professional training.

Wish you all the best

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
741 bananapi 5대(ubuntu계열 리눅스)에 yarn(hadoop 2.6.0)설치하기-ResourceManager HA/HDFS HA포함, JobHistory포함 총관리자 2015.04.24 19154
740 mapreduce appliction을 실행시 "is running beyond virtual memory limits" 오류 발생시 조치사항 총관리자 2017.05.04 16912
739 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /tmp/hadoop-root/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible. 구퍼 2013.03.11 14786
738 drop table로 삭제했으나 tablet server에는 여전히 존재하는 테이블 삭제방법 총관리자 2021.07.09 7611
737 insert hbase by hive ... error occured after 5 hours..HMaster가 뜨지 않는 장애에 대한 복구 방법 총관리자 2014.04.29 7133
736 Resource temporarily unavailable(자원이 일시적으로 사용 불가능함) 오류조치 총관리자 2015.11.19 7095
735 HBase shell로 작업하기 구퍼 2013.03.15 5842
734 [DataNode]org.apache.hadoop.security.KerberosAuthException: failure to login: for principal: hdfs/datanode03@GOOPER.COM from keytab hdfs.keytab오류 gooper 2023.04.18 5794
733 dr.who로 공격들어오는 경우 조치방법 file 총관리자 2018.06.09 5604
732 [Decommission]시 시간이 많이 걸리면서(수일) Decommission이 완료되지 않는 경우 조치 총관리자 2018.01.03 5594
731 하둡 분산 파일 시스템을 기반으로 색인하고 검색하기 구퍼 2013.03.15 5576
730 Ubuntu 16.04LTS 설치후 초기에 주어야 하는 작업(php, apache, mariadb설치및 OS보안설정등) file 총관리자 2017.05.23 5282
729 hive 2.0.1 설치및 mariadb로 metastore 설정 총관리자 2016.06.03 5203
728 Hive Query Examples from test code (2 of 2) 총관리자 2014.03.26 5035
727 Spark에서 Serializable관련 오류및 조치사항 총관리자 2017.04.21 4909
726 [gson]mongodb의 api를 이용하여 데이타를 가져올때 "com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Unterminated object at line..." 오류발생시 조치사항 총관리자 2017.12.11 4541
725 import 혹은 export할때 hive파일의 default 구분자는 --input-fields-terminated-by "x01"와 같이 지정해야함 총관리자 2014.05.20 4251
724 checking for termcap functions library... configure: error: No curses/termcap library found 구퍼 2013.03.08 4125
723 .git폴더를 삭제하고 다시 git에 추가하고 서버에 반영하는 방법 총관리자 2017.06.19 4112
722 sqoop작업시 hdfs의 개수보다 더많은 값이 중복되어 oracle에 입력되는 경우가 있음 총관리자 2014.09.02 4100

A personal place to organize information learned during the development of such Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Semantic IoT, etc.
We are open to the required minutes. Please send inquiries to gooper@gooper.com.
