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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

오류 메세지 : Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)
원인 : 특정 Kudu테이블에 동시에 혹은 연속적으로 많은 update/insert쿼리가 수행되는 경우 
조치 : Kudu tablet server의 configuration에서 --rpc_max_message_size를 200MB 혹은 250MB정도로 증가 시키고 서비스를 restart해주면 오류를 해소 혹은 완화 할 수 있다.

======================== Coordinator 역할 impalad log file ========
node_idcp01.gooper.com INFO November 21, 2023 10:50 AM cc:678 
ExecState: query id=11454a6d71dc7db7:7201b9e000000000 finstance=11454a6d71dc7db7:7201b9e000000013 on host=node_datp09.gooper.com:22000 (EXECUTING -> ERROR) status=Unable to advance iterator for node with id '0' for Kudu table 'impala::db_name.table_name': Network error: recv error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)

======================== Executor 약할의 impalad log file===========
10:20:08.959 AM INFO cc:306 
9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448] DeregisterRecvr(): fragment_instance_id=9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448, node=241
10:20:09.011 AM INFO cc:337 
9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448] cancelling active streams for fragment_instance_id=9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448
10:20:09.011 AM INFO cc:734 
9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448] Instance completed. instance_id=9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000448 #in-flight=56 status=OK
10:20:09.112 AM INFO cc:306 
9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000459] DeregisterRecvr(): fragment_instance_id=9a497afbb0dcd55d:7ab21eed00000459, node=243
10:20:15.563 AM INFO cc:72 
61400b1a312547d7:e3cc9f570000000a] Serialized kudu.tserver.ScanRequestPB (134219283 bytes) is larger than the maximum configured RPC message size (52428800 bytes). Sending anyway, but peer may reject the data.
10:20:15.641 AM INFO cc:664 
client connection to recv error: Network error: recv error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)
10:20:15.641 AM INFO cc:1337 
f44fa39abb1a8044:2ddb9a720000000b] marking tablet server 52bf6df6c61a442c8847fbd228672bc9 (node_datp19.gooper.com:7050) as failed
10:20:15.641 AM INFO cc:1337 
61400b1a312547d7:e3cc9f570000000a] marking tablet server 52bf6df6c61a442c8847fbd228672bc9 (node_datp19.gooper.com:7050) as failed
10:20:15.641 AM INFO cc:288 
f44fa39abb1a8044:2ddb9a720000000b] tablet 4561250e99ea415c8adf1ed18f4eefcc: replica 52bf6df6c61a442c8847fbd228672bc9 (node_datp19.gooper.com:7050) has failed: Network error: TS failed: recv error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)
10:20:15.659 AM INFO cc:72 
61400b1a312547d7:e3cc9f570000000a] Serialized kudu.tserver.ScanRequestPB (134219283 bytes) is larger than the maximum configured RPC message size (52428800 bytes). Sending anyway, but peer may reject the data.
10:20:15.653 AM INFO cc:129 
f44fa39abb1a8044:2ddb9a720000000b] Unable to advance iterator for node with id '0' for Kudu table 'impala::db_name.table_name': Network error: recv error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)
    @           0xc1fe33
    @          0x1620fa1
    @          0x1624595
    @          0x15878a9
    @          0x15891f8
    @          0x144f531
    @          0x14509aa
    @          0x1ca1101
    @     0x7f512a6c62dd
    @     0x7f5127183e82

===================== kudu_tserver log file 내용 =====================
 628292 I1121 10:20:13.968837 3471434 maintenance_manager.cc:382] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: Scheduling UndoDeltaBlockGCOp(07db2efadf1b47a6936aaf0808de1339): 51660 bytes on disk
 628293 I1121 10:20:13.969128 3471142 maintenance_manager.cc:603] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: UndoDeltaBlockGCOp(07db2efadf1b47a6936aaf0808de1339) complete. Timing: real 0.000s user 0.000s sys 0.000s Metrics: {"cfile_init":4,"lbm_read_time_us":45,"lbm_reads_lt_1ms":16}
 628294 I1121 10:20:14.153570 3471434 maintenance_manager.cc:382] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: Scheduling CompactRowSetsOp(3275654fd0a8404fa28d667d664135a3): perf score=0.205744
 628295 I1121 10:20:14.853590 3471141 maintenance_manager.cc:603] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: CompactRowSetsOp(07db2efadf1b47a6936aaf0808de1339) complete. Timing: real 4.044s  user 3.590s sys 0.290s Metrics: {"bytes_written":154984322,"cfile_cache_hit":392,"cfile_cache_hit_bytes":14304480,"cfile_cache_miss":2608,"cfile_cache_miss_bytes":257784062,"cfile_init":200,"delta_iterators_relevant":8,"dirs.queue_time_us":342915,"dirs.run_cpu_time_us":33830,"d irs.run_wall_time_us":37009,"drs_written":4,"fdatasync":127,"fdatasync_us":51589,"lbm_read_time_us":111171,"lbm_reads_lt_1ms":3408,"lbm_write_time_us":102309,"lbm_writes_lt_1ms":10049,"mutex_wait_us":18,"num_input_rowsets":4,"rows_written":859031,"spinlock_wait_cycles":56704,"thread_start_us":777,"threads_started":25,"wal-append.queue_time_us":71}
 628296 I1121 10:20:15.031082 3471434 maintenance_manager.cc:382] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: Scheduling CompactRowSetsOp(3275654fd0a8404fa28d667d664135a3): perf score=0.195746
 628297 W1121 10:20:16.467859 3471134 connection.cc:664] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219341, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.
 628298 W1121 10:20:16.467888 3471134 connection.cc:295] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/134219341 bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219341, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.)
 628299 W1121 10:20:16.559211 3471137 connection.cc:664] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219341, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.
 628300 W1121 10:20:16.559245 3471137 connection.cc:295] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/134219341 bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219341, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.)
 628301 W1121 10:20:17.182857 3471134 connection.cc:664] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219340, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.
 628302 W1121 10:20:17.182881 3471134 connection.cc:295] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/134219340 bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219340, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.)
 628303 W1121 10:20:17.292801 3471134 connection.cc:664] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219340, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.
 628304 W1121 10:20:17.292827 3471134 connection.cc:295] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/134219340 bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of 134219340, but we only support messages up to 134217728 bytes long.)
 628305 I1121 10:20:17.481701 3471139 maintenance_manager.cc:603] P 9d84c6e1acd245f99d242449521b64cc: CompactRowSetsOp(eb28422960104df2a553161f4385d726) complete. Timing: real 18.869s user 6.304s sys 0.412s Metrics: {"bytes_written": 40193385,"cfile_cache_hit":362,"cfile_cache_hit_bytes":4987939,"cfile_cache_miss":4974,"cfile_cache_miss_bytes":217966365,"cfile_init":208,"delta_iterators_relevant":4,"dirs.queue_time_us":5963,"dirs.run_cpu_time_us":4649,"dirs.run_wall_time_us":6201,"drs_written":4,"fdatasync":123,"fdatasync_us":12074,"lbm_read_time_us":11465204,"lbm_reads_1-10_ms":109,"lbm_reads_10-100_ms":209,"lbm_reads_gt_100_ms":21,"lbm_reads_lt_1ms":5467,"lbm_write_time_us":152850,"lbm_writes_1-10_ms":1,"lbm_writes_10-100_ms":1,"lbm_writes_lt_1ms":23230,"mutex_wait_us":382,"num_input_rowsets":4,"rows_written":2189548,"spinlock_wait_cycles":85888,"thread_start_us":893,"threads_started":28,"wal-append.queue_time_us":75}

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
741 bananapi 5대(ubuntu계열 리눅스)에 yarn(hadoop 2.6.0)설치하기-ResourceManager HA/HDFS HA포함, JobHistory포함 2015.04.24 19290
740 mapreduce appliction을 실행시 "is running beyond virtual memory limits" 오류 발생시 조치사항 2017.05.04 17053
739 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /tmp/hadoop-root/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible. 2013.03.11 14837
738 Hive Query Examples from test code (2 of 2) 2014.03.26 11464
737 drop table로 삭제했으나 tablet server에는 여전히 존재하는 테이블 삭제방법 2021.07.09 7937
736 Resource temporarily unavailable(자원이 일시적으로 사용 불가능함) 오류조치 2015.11.19 7698
735 insert hbase by hive ... error occured after 5 hours..HMaster가 뜨지 않는 장애에 대한 복구 방법 2014.04.29 7236
734 [DataNode]org.apache.hadoop.security.KerberosAuthException: failure to login: for principal: hdfs/datanode03@GOOPER.COM from keytab hdfs.keytab오류 2023.04.18 6126
733 [Decommission]시 시간이 많이 걸리면서(수일) Decommission이 완료되지 않는 경우 조치 2018.01.03 6047
732 cumulusRDF 1.0.1설치및 "KeyspaceCumulus" keyspace확인하기 file 2016.04.15 5943
731 HBase shell로 작업하기 2013.03.15 5924
730 dr.who로 공격들어오는 경우 조치방법 file 2018.06.09 5708
729 하둡 분산 파일 시스템을 기반으로 색인하고 검색하기 2013.03.15 5683
728 Ubuntu 16.04LTS 설치후 초기에 주어야 하는 작업(php, apache, mariadb설치및 OS보안설정등) file 2017.05.23 5621
727 hive 2.0.1 설치및 mariadb로 metastore 설정 2016.06.03 5292
726 Spark에서 Serializable관련 오류및 조치사항 2017.04.21 5028
725 [gson]mongodb의 api를 이용하여 데이타를 가져올때 "com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Unterminated object at line..." 오류발생시 조치사항 2017.12.11 4804
724 .git폴더를 삭제하고 다시 git에 추가하고 서버에 반영하는 방법 2017.06.19 4499
723 import 혹은 export할때 hive파일의 default 구분자는 --input-fields-terminated-by "x01"와 같이 지정해야함 2014.05.20 4344
722 sqoop작업시 hdfs의 개수보다 더많은 값이 중복되어 oracle에 입력되는 경우가 있음 2014.09.02 4210