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Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

CentOS centsOS vsftpd설치하기

총관리자 2013.12.17 23:56 조회 수 : 2859

1. vsftpd설치

#yum -y install vsftpd


2. vsftpd.conf파일설정

#vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf


끝부분에 아래를 추가



3 방화벽 설정

[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 20 -j                             ACCEPT
[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 21 -j                             ACCEPT


4. /etc/sysconfig/iptables에 파일이 생성
[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables save
Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:          [  OK  ]

5. iptables확인

[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables


6. iptables start
[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# service iptables start
Flushing firewall rules:                                   [  OK  ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter                    [  OK  ]
Unloading iptables modules:                                [  OK  ]
Applying iptables firewall rules:                          [  OK  ]
Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n[  OK  ]


6-1. iptables restart(optional)

[root@f29fc740-c4d3-4f1f-adfb-975b1706c191 ~]# service iptables restart
Flushing firewall rules:                                   [  OK  ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter                    [  OK  ]
Unloading iptables modules:                                [  OK  ]
Applying iptables firewall rules:                          [  OK  ]
Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n[  OK  ]


7. vsftpd 시작및 부팅시 자동실행 설정

#service vsftpd start

#chkconfig --level 2345 vsftpd on


6. 확인

#netstat -ntlp

에서 "vsftpd" "::21" 포트확인

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