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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

LA가 전송한 로그 파일을 구별하여 각각의 파일로 저장하는 경우의 설정방법


 가. 수집되는 파일 :  /home/hadoop/log_data/log1.log, /home/hadoop/log_data/log1.log

 나. 저장되는 파일 : /home/hadoop/save_data/fs01, /home/hadoop/save_data/fs01

 다. 파일의 구분키 : state

 라. 구분값 : SMS, VOICE


1. 로그를 수집하는 LC의 flume설정파일(hadoop@bigdata-host:~/flume/conf$ cat flume-conf-multi.properties)

lc01.sources = avroGenSrc_src01
lc01.channels = fileChannel_fc01 fileChannel_fc02
lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.selector.header = state

lc01.sinks = fileSink_fs01 fileSink_fs02

# For each one of the sources, the type is defined
lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.type = avro
lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.bind = localhost
lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.port = 5555

# The channel can be defined as follows.
lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.channels = fileChannel_fc01 fileChannel_fc02

# Each sink's type must be defined
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs01.type = file_roll
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs01.sink.rollInterval = 10
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs01.sink.batchSize = 10

#Specify the channel the sink should use
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs01.channel = fileChannel_fc01

# Each channel's type is defined.
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.type = file
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.maxFileSize = 214643507
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.checkpointDir = /home/hadoop/flume/fc01/checkpoint
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.dataDirs = /home/hadoop/flume/fc01/data

# Other config values specific to each type of channel(sink or source)
# can be defined as well
# In this case, it specifies the capacity of the file channel
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.capacity = 100
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc01.transactionCapacity = 10

# another setting
#lc02.sources = avroGenSrc_src02
#lc02.channels = fileChannel_fc02
#lc02.sinks = fileSink_fs02

# For each one of the sources, the type is defined
#lc02.sources.avroGenSrc_src02.type = avro
#lc02.sources.avroGenSrc_src02.bind = localhost
#lc02.sources.avroGenSrc_src02.port = 4444

# The channel can be defined as follows.
#lc01.sources.avroGenSrc_src01.channels = fileChannel_fc02
# Each sink's type must be defined
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs02.type = file_roll
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs02.sink.rollInterval = 10
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs02.sink.batchSize = 10

#Specify the channel the sink should use
lc01.sinks.fileSink_fs02.channel = fileChannel_fc02

# Each channel's type is defined.
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.type = file
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.maxFileSize = 214643507
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.checkpointDir = /home/hadoop/flume/fc02/checkpoint
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.dataDirs = /home/hadoop/flume/fc02/data
# Other config values specific to each type of channel(sink or source)
# can be defined as well
# In this case, it specifies the capacity of the file channel
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.capacity = 100
lc01.channels.fileChannel_fc02.transactionCapacity =10


2. 로그를 전송하는 LA의 설정정보(hadoop@bigdata-host:~/flume/conf$ cat flume-conf-multi-agent.properties)

: la01과 la02의 두개 설정정보가 같이 들어있고 각각을 기동하여 2개의 LA가 파일을 읽어 들어는것으로 가정함

la01.sources = execGenSrc_la01
la01.channels = fileChannel_la01
la01.sinks = avroSink_la01

# For each one of the sources, the type is defined
la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.type = exec
la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.command = tail -f /home/hadoop/log_data/log1.log
la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.batchSize = 10

la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.interceptors = i1
la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.interceptors.i1.value = SMS

# The channel can be defined as follows.
la01.sources.execGenSrc_la01.channels = fileChannel_la01

# Each sink's type must be defined
la01.sinks.avroSink_la01.type = avro
la01.sinks.avroSink_la01.batch-size = 10

#Specify the channel the sink should use
la01.sinks.avroSink_la01.channel = fileChannel_la01

# Each channel's type is defined.
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.type = file
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.maxFileSize = 214643507
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.checkpointDir = /home/hadoop/flume/la01/checkpoint
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.dataDirs = /home/hadoop/flume/la01/data

# Other config values specific to each type of channel(sink or source)
# can be defined as well
# In this case, it specifies the capacity of the file channel
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.capacity = 10000
la01.channels.fileChannel_la01.transctionCapacity = 10000

#another logagent conf....
la02.sources = execGenSrc_la02
la02.channels = fileChannel_la02
la02.sinks = avroSink_la02

# For each one of the sources, the type is defined
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.type = exec
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.command = tail -f /home/hadoop/log_data/log2.log
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.batchSize = 10
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.interceptors = i2
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.interceptors.i2.key= state
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.interceptors.i2.value = VOICE

# The channel can be defined as follows.
la02.sources.execGenSrc_la02.channels = fileChannel_la02

# Each sink's type must be defined
la02.sinks.avroSink_la02.type = avro
la02.sinks.avroSink_la02.batch-size = 10

#Specify the channel the sink should use
la02.sinks.avroSink_la02.channel = fileChannel_la02

# Each channel's type is defined.
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.type = file
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.maxFileSize = 214643507
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.checkpointDir = /home/hadoop/flume/la02/checkpoint
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.dataDirs = /home/hadoop/flume/la02/data

# Other config values specific to each type of channel(sink or source)
# can be defined as well
# In this case, it specifies the capacity of the file channel
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.capacity = 10000
la02.channels.fileChannel_la02.transctionCapacity = 10000
