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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

1. 다운로드(Elastic Search)

 가.Elastic Search=>https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/tar/elasticsearch/2.3.0/elasticsearch-2.3.0.tar.gz


2. 압축풀기

   tar xvfz elasticsearch-2.3.0.tar.gz

3. 링크 생성

  ln -s elasticsearch-2.3.0 elasticsearch

4. config/elasticsearch.yml파일 수정

-bash-4.1# cat elasticsearch.yml 

# ======================== Elasticsearch Configuration =========================


# NOTE: Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings.

#       Before you set out to tweak and tune the configuration, make sure you

#       understand what are you trying to accomplish and the consequences.


# The primary way of configuring a node is via this file. This template lists

# the most important settings you may want to configure for a production cluster.


# Please see the documentation for further information on configuration options:

# <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-configuration.html>


# ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------


# Use a descriptive name for your cluster:


# cluster.name: my-application

cluster.name: iot


# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------


# Use a descriptive name for the node:


# node.name: node-1

node.name: node-1

node.master: true

node.data: false


# Add custom attributes to the node:


# node.rack: r1


# ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------


# Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):


# path.data: /path/to/data

path.data: /data/elasticsearch/data


# Path to log files:


# path.logs: /path/to/logs

path.logs: /logs/elasticsearch/logs


# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------

index.number_of_shareds: 5

index.number_of_replicas: 1

# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------


# Lock the memory on startup:


# bootstrap.mlockall: true


# Make sure that the `ES_HEAP_SIZE` environment variable is set to about half the memory

# available on the system and that the owner of the process is allowed to use this limit.


# Elasticsearch performs poorly when the system is swapping the memory.


# ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------


# Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):


# network.host:

network.host: xxx.xxx.xxx.43 


# Set a custom port for HTTP:


# http.port: 9200

http.port: 9200

transport.tcp.port: 9300

transport.tcp.compress: true

http.enabled: true


# For more information, see the documentation at:

# <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-network.html>


# --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------


# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when new node is started:

# The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]


# discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["host1", "host2"]

discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["gsda1:9300", "gsda1:9301", "gsda1:9302"]

action.auto_create_index: true

index.mapper.dynamic: true


# Prevent the "split brain" by configuring the majority of nodes (total number of nodes / 2 + 1):


# discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 3


# For more information, see the documentation at:

# <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-discovery.html>


# ---------------------------------- Gateway -----------------------------------


# Block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes are started:


# gateway.recover_after_nodes: 3


# For more information, see the documentation at:

# <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-gateway.html>


# ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------


# Disable starting multiple nodes on a single system:


# node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1


# Require explicit names when deleting indices:


# action.destructive_requires_name: true

# ---------------------------------- Marvel Exporter -----------------------------------

marvel.agent.exporter.es.hosts: ["gsda1:9200", "gsda2:9200", "gsda3:9200", "gsda4:9200", "gsda5:9200"]

5. 각 서버에 scp한다.

scp -r -P 22 elasticsearch-2.3.0 root@sda2:$HOME

scp -r -P 22 elasticsearch-2.3.0 root@gsda3:$HOME

scp -r -P 22 elasticsearch-2.3.0 root@gsda4:$HOME

scp -r -P 22 elasticsearch-2.3.0 root@gsda5:$HOME

6.각 서버(5개)에 들어가서 링크를 생성한다.

ln -s elasticsearch-2.3.0 elasticsearch

7. master로 1개, 나머지 4개는 data용 node로 구성한다.

cluster.name=iot(각서버 모두 동일하게 설정한다.)

network.host=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(각각의 ip를 설정한다.)

node.name: node1(각각의 서버에 고유한 값을 설정한다.)

*master 서버에는

node.master: true

node.data: false

로 설정하고 

나머지(data node)는 

node.master: false

node.data: true

로 설정한다.

8. elastic서버 기동(서버 마다 각각 기동시켜준다, root도 실행)

 ==> bin/elasticsearch -d  : daemon으로 띄운다. console에 띄우려면 -d를 빼고 실행한다.

 ==> 헐.. root로 실행하니 아래와 같은 오류가 뜬다..

   이럴때는 "elasticsearch -d -Des.insecure.allow.root=true"명령을 주면 해결된다.


-bash-4.1# ./elasticsearch -d

-bash-4.1# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: don't run elasticsearch as root.

        at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.initializeNatives(Bootstrap.java:93)

        at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.setup(Bootstrap.java:144)

        at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.init(Bootstrap.java:270)

        at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(Elasticsearch.java:35)

Refer to the log for complete error details.

9. 클러스터/노드 정보를 확인한다.

  가. node정보 확인(각 노드별 확인 가능함) : http://gsda1:9200/

  나. cluster 정보 확인(master노드에서만 확인 가능함) : http://gsda1:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true

  다. 노드정보 확인(각 노드별 확인 가능함) : http://gsda1:9200/_nodes?pretty=true

  라. 노드정보 확인(각 노드별 확인 가능함) : http://gsda1:9200/_nodes/settings?pretty=true

10. TEST

  가. 인덱스 생성 : -bash-4.1# curl -XPUT 'http://gsda1:9200/blog' ==> {"acknowledged":true}

  나. 인덱스 생성 정보확인 : 

-bash-4.1# curl -XGET 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/_settings?pretty=true'


  "blog" : {

    "settings" : {

      "index" : {

        "creation_date" : "1459833926158",

        "number_of_shards" : "5",

        "number_of_replicas" : "1",

        "uuid" : "XoppVt7VQPGgYHP_J4y3fQ",

        "version" : {

          "created" : "2030099"






  다. 인덱스 삭제 : -bash-4.1# curl -XDELETE 'http://gsda1:9200/blog'     ==> {"acknowledged":true}

     * 삭제시 물리적으로 바로 삭제되어 복구할 수 없음

11. document 자동색인 (elasticsearch.yml의 index.mapper.dynamic: true가 기본으로 설정되어어함)

 . document추가1(json형식으로 작성하여 등록함)

curl -XPOST 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/article/2' -d '{

"article_id" : 2,

"title" : "This is a Title2",

"content" : "This is a Content2"


===> {"_index":"blog","_type":"article","_id":"2","_version":1,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0},"created":true}

* document추가2
curl -XPOST 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/article/1' -d '{
"article_id" : 1,
"title" : "This is a Title1",
"content" : "This is a Content1"
===> {"_index":"blog","_type":"article","_id":"1","_version":1,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0},"created":true}

curl -XPOST 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/article/2' -d '{

"article_id" : 2,

"title" : "This is a Title2",

"content" : "This is a Content2"


===> {"_index":"blog","_type":"article","_id":"2","_version":1,"created":true}

 . document 가져오기(id를 지정하여 가져오기)

curl -XGET 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/article/1'



"article_id" : 1,

"title" : "This is a Title1",

"content" : "This is a Content1"

 . Index, Type Mapping 정보확인

 curl -XGET 'http://gsda1:9200/blog/_mapping?pretty=true'



  "blog" : {

    "mappings" : {

      "article" : {

        "properties" : {

          "article_id" : {

            "type" : "long"


          "content" : {

            "type" : "string"


          "title" : {

            "type" : "string"








*참고: http://gsda1:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true하면 number_of_nodes와 number_of_data_nodes의 값이 0인 경우가 있는데
이때는 elasticsearch.yml에 
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["gsda1:9300", "gsda1:9301", "gsda1:9302"]    #(master서버의 위치를 지정한다)

를 지정하여 명시적으로 master위치를 알려주어야 한다(모든 서버에 반영해야함)

------------------------------discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts로 하고 

서버를 모두 기동했는데 했어도 number_of_nodes와 number_of_data_nodes값이 0인 경우의 메세지 내용-------------------------

  "cluster_name" : "iot",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 0,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 0,
  "active_primary_shards" : 0,
  "active_shards" : 0,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0
번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
421 여러 홈페이지를 운영하거나 혹은 서버에 가입한 사용자들에게 홈페이지 계정을 나누어 줄수 있도록 설정/계정 생성방법 2018.01.23 535
420 원격의 origin/master를 기준으로 dev branch를 만들어 작업후 원격의 origin/dev에 push하는 방법 file 2016.11.22 534
419 halyard의 console스크립트에서 생성한 repository는 RDF4J Web Applications에서 공유가 되지 않는다. 2017.07.05 531
418 github에 있는 프로젝트와 로컬에서 작업한 프로젝트 합치기 2016.11.22 526
417 python실행시 ValueError: zero length field name in format오류 해결방법 2016.05.27 526
416 Could not configure server becase SASL configuration did not allow the Zookeeper server to authenticate itself properly: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Checksum failed 2019.05.18 523
415 hadoop 어플리케이션을 사용하는 사용자 변경시 바꿔줘야 하는 부분 2016.09.23 523
414 Error: E0501 : E0501: Could not perform authorization operation, User: hadoop is not allowed to impersonate hadoop 해결하는 방법 2015.06.07 520
413 AIX 7.1에서 hive실행시 "hive: line 86: readlink: command not found" 오류가 발생시 임시 조치사항 2016.09.25 519
412 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.spark.Logging 발생시 조치사항 2017.04.19 517
411 서버중 slave,worker,regionserver만 재기동해야 할때 필요한 기동스크립트및 사용방법 2017.02.03 516
410 우분투 서버에 GUI로 접속하기 file 2018.05.27 514
409 [HIVESERVER2]프로세스의 thread및 stack trace를 덤프하는 방법(pstack, jstack) 2022.05.11 513
408 Soft memory limit exceeded (at 100.05% of capacity) 오류 조치 2022.01.17 512
407 elasticsearch 기동시 permission denied on key 'vm.max_map_count' 오류발생시 조치사항 2017.06.23 511
406 new Gson().toJson(new ObjectId())을 사용하면 값이 다르게 나오는 경우가 있음 2016.12.23 511
» Elastic Search For Hadoop 2.2.0설치하기(5대 클러스터링) 2016.04.04 511
404 Windows7 64bit 환경에서 Apache Hadoop 2.7.1설치하기 2017.07.26 510
403 streaming작업시 입력된 값에 대한 사본을 만들게 되는데 이것이 실패했을때 발생하는 경고메세지 2017.04.03 510
402 Hadoop - 클러스터 세팅및 기동 2015.04.28 509