메뉴 건너뛰기

Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

0. 참조 : http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/install-gde/prereq/connect-auth.html

1. www.magento.com로 회원가입및 계정생성/Access Keys생성

2. composer설치

apt-get composer

3. composer실행시 오류가 발생하면

--> apt-get install php-curl

--> apt-get install php-mbstring

--> apt-get install php7.0-zip

--> apt-get install php-curl

등을 실행해 준다.

3-1. 설치할 폴더 생성

mkdir magento

4. composer를 이용하여 magento2 community버젼 설치

composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition magento

--composer실행시 발생할 수 있는 오류--

root@gooper:/var/www/html# composer create-project
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - magento/framework 100.1.3 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
    - magento/framework 100.1.3 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.

    - Installation request for magento/framework 100.1.3 -> satisfiable by magento/framework[100.1.3].

* composer.lock파일이 있으면 오류가 발생하니 최초 실행할때는 삭제하고 composer create-project를 실행할것...

----- magento 2 설치진행 화면--------

root@gooper:/var/www/html/magento# composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition .
Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.1.3)
  - Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

Created project in .
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
  - Installing magento/magento-composer-installer (0.1.12)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-validator (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-escaper (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-uri (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-loader (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-http (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/process (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/framework (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-zh_hans_cn (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-pt_br (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-nl_nl (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-fr_fr (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-es_es (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-en_us (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/language-de_de (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/theme-frontend-blank (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/theme-frontend-luma (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/theme-adminhtml-backend (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-media-storage (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-config (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-backend (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-require-js (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-translation (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-theme (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-directory (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-store (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-ui (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-user (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-email (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-variable (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-quote (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-inventory (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog (101.0.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-page-cache (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-url-rewrite (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-cms-url-rewrite (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-cms (101.0.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-url-rewrite (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-eav (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-import-export (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-authorization (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-security (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-customer (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-integration (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-widget (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-rule (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-rule (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-reports (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sales-rule (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-tax (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sales (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-shipping (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-payment (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-checkout (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-msrp (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-grouped-product (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-wishlist (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-rss (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-gift-message (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sales-sequence (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-contact (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-downloadable (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-cron (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-newsletter (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-review (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-import-export (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-product-alert (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-indexer (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-developer (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-backup (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-weee (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-webapi (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-webapi-security (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-version (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-vault (100.2.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-usps (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-ups (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-tax-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (1.6.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-swatches-layered-navigation (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-configurable-product (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-swatches (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-swagger (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sitemap (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-send-friend (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-search (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-search (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sample-data (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-sales-inventory (100.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-product-video (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-persistent (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-paypal (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-offline-shipping (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-offline-payments (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-new-relic-reporting (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-multishipping (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-layered-navigation (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-grouped-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-cookie (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-google-analytics (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-google-optimizer (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-google-adwords (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-fedex (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-encryption-key (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-downloadable-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-dhl (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-deploy (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-customer-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-currency-symbol (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-configurable-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-checkout-agreements (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-widget (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-catalog-rule-configurable (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-captcha (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-cache-invalidate (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-bundle (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-bundle-import-export (100.1.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing braintree/braintree_php (3.7.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-braintree (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-authorizenet (100.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-advanced-pricing-import-export (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-admin-notification (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/module-marketplace (100.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing league/climate (2.6.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing psr/log (1.0.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/console (v2.6.13)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sjparkinson/static-review (4.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/finder (v3.2.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/filesystem (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing seld/phar-utils (1.0.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing seld/jsonlint (1.5.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing seld/cli-prompt (1.0.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing composer/spdx-licenses (1.1.5)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing composer/semver (1.4.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing composer/composer (1.0.0-beta1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/composer (1.0.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing tedivm/jshrink (v1.0.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (2.0.4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing tubalmartin/cssmin (v2.4.8-p4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing pelago/emogrifier (v0.1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing oyejorge/less.php (v1.7.0.10)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing monolog/monolog (1.16.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing colinmollenhour/cache-backend-file (1.4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis (1.9)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing colinmollenhour/credis (1.6)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/zendframework1 (1.12.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing colinmollenhour/php-redis-session-abstract (v1.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-servicemanager (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-log (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-math (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-json (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-serializer (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-eventmanager (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-code (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-di (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-filter (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-inputfilter (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-form (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-config (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-view (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-i18n (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-text (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-mvc (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-modulemanager (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-console (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-crypt (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-server (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing zendframework/zend-soap (2.4.11)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing magento/magento2-base (2.1.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/yaml (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/version (1.0.6)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (1.0.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/exporter (1.2.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/environment (1.3.8)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/diff (1.4.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.3.8)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.8)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.3.4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (1.4.9)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.1.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (1.5.3)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing theseer/fdomdocument (1.6.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/finder-facade (1.2.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing sebastian/phpcpd (2.0.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/config (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v2.8.16)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing pdepend/pdepend (2.2.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing phpmd/phpmd (2.5.0)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing symfony/stopwatch (v3.2.2)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing fabpot/php-cs-fixer (v1.13.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing lusitanian/oauth (v0.7.0)
    Downloading: 100%

zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (ZendDb component)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-resources (Translations of validator messages)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (ZendSession component)
magento/framework suggests installing ext-imagick (Use Image Magick >=3.0.0 as an optional alternative image processing library)
magento/module-theme suggests installing magento/module-theme-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-catalog suggests installing magento/module-catalog-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-cms suggests installing magento/module-cms-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-customer suggests installing magento/module-customer-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-widget suggests installing magento/module-widget-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-catalog-rule suggests installing magento/module-catalog-rule-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-sales-rule suggests installing magento/module-sales-rule-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-tax suggests installing magento/module-tax-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-sales suggests installing magento/module-sales-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-msrp suggests installing magento/module-msrp-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-grouped-product suggests installing magento/module-grouped-product-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-wishlist suggests installing magento/module-wishlist-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-downloadable suggests installing magento/module-downloadable-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-review suggests installing magento/module-review-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-configurable-product suggests installing magento/module-configurable-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-configurable-product suggests installing magento/module-product-links-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-swatches suggests installing magento/module-swatches-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-sample-data suggests installing magento/sample-data-media (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-offline-shipping suggests installing magento/module-offline-shipping-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
magento/module-bundle suggests installing magento/module-bundle-sample-data (Sample Data version:100.1.*)
sjparkinson/static-review suggests installing sensiolabs/security-checker (Required for ComposerSecurityReview.)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing ext-libsodium (SSH2/SFTP can make use of some algorithms provided by the libsodium-php extension.)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing ext-gmp (Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/http-kernel ()
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing raven/raven (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing videlalvaro/php-amqplib (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
zendframework/zend-servicemanager suggests installing ocramius/proxy-manager (ProxyManager 0.5.* to handle lazy initialization of services)
zendframework/zend-log suggests installing ext-mongo (*)
zendframework/zend-log suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (ZendDb component)
zendframework/zend-log suggests installing zendframework/zend-mail (ZendMail component)
zendframework/zend-math suggests installing ext-bcmath (If using the bcmath functionality)
zendframework/zend-math suggests installing ext-gmp (If using the gmp functionality)
zendframework/zend-math suggests installing ircmaxell/random-lib (Fallback random byte generator for ZendMathRand if OpenSSL/Mcrypt extensions are unavailable)
zendframework/zend-json suggests installing zendframework/zendxml (To support ZendJsonJson::fromXml() usage)
zendframework/zend-code suggests installing doctrine/common (DoctrineCommon >=2.1 for annotation features)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zend-captcha (ZendCaptcha component)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zendservice-recaptcha (ZendServiceReCaptcha component)
zendframework/zend-view suggests installing zendframework/zend-authentication (ZendAuthentication component)
zendframework/zend-view suggests installing zendframework/zend-feed (ZendFeed component)
zendframework/zend-view suggests installing zendframework/zend-navigation (ZendNavigation component)
zendframework/zend-view suggests installing zendframework/zend-paginator (ZendPaginator component)
zendframework/zend-view suggests installing zendframework/zend-permissions-acl (ZendPermissionsAcl component)
zendframework/zend-i18n suggests installing zendframework/zend-cache (ZendCache component)
zendframework/zend-i18n suggests installing zendframework/zend-resources (Translation resources)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-authentication (ZendAuthentication component for Identity plugin)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (ZendSession component for FlashMessenger, PRG, and FPRG plugins)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-version (ZendVersion component)
phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects suggests installing ext-soap (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (>=2.2.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expressions in service container configuration)
symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (Generate service proxies to lazy load them)
lusitanian/oauth suggests installing symfony/http-foundation (Allows using the Symfony Session storage backend.)
lusitanian/oauth suggests installing predis/predis (Allows using the Redis storage backend.)
Package fabpot/php-cs-fixer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer instead.
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files

5. magento setup

magento가 설치된 위치에 browser로 방문한다 :


6. Agree and Setup Magento클릭


* 위와 같은 오류가 발생시 아래 명령으로 권한을 변경시켜준다.

chmod -R 707 /var/www/html/magento/app/etc /var/www/html/magento/var /var/www/html/magento/pub/media /var/www/html/magento/pub/static

7. db및 사용자/패스워드 생성

  가. console에서 mysql -u root -p

  나. mysql>create database magento;

  다. mysql>alter database magento default character set utf8;


  마. flush privileges;


8. Web Configuration


9. Customize Your Store


10. Create Admin Account


11. Success

12. 한글언어 설정(../app폴더 밑에 zip파일을 복사하고 unzip하면 하위 폴더가 만들어 지면서 압축이 풀린다)

* 출처 : http://cafe.naver.com/magentokorea/3195


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