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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

1. hdfs-site.xml과 yarn-site.xml의 설정을 다시 확인한다.

 가. hdfs-site.xml


 나. yarn-site.xml


2. hdfs fsck -storagepolicies 혹은 hdfs fsck -blocks / 를 실행하여 Block의 상태를 확인한다.

 결과는 하단 참조

3. 2의 결과가 Status: CORRUPT이면 적절한 조치를 취한다.

 hdfs fsck -delete 혹은 hdfs fsck -move

4. 2을 다시 실행하여 Status: HEALTHY인지 확인한다.

  결과는 하단 참조

5. 필요시 Decommission과정을 다시 수행한다.

hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes

yarn rmadmin -refreshNodes

* Decommission이 수일 혹은 수주 동안 진행될수도 있는데 속도를 증가시키는 방법으로 hdfs-site.xml에 다음을 추가/반영시켜준다.

   (참고 : https://community.hortonworks.com/questions/102621/node-decommissioning-progressing-too-slowly.html)


-----------hdfs fsck -storagepolicies실행 결과(Status: CORRUPT)----------




/user/hadoop/spark/local-1510393605261: MISSING 1 blocks of total size 134217728 B......
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511150952538:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).

/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511150952538:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511756383245: MISSING 1 blocks of total size 8357126 B.....
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511848071791:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511858124646: MISSING 1 blocks of total size 40291 B..
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511858518707:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511861829455:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511921506635:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511931435456: MISSING 1 blocks of total size 702011 B..
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511932067927:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511939175974:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511942070784:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511945803722:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1511946633083:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512003403329:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512008787877:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512018010728:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512121416466:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512361519396:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512373036884:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512373950155:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512641606927:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512694548543:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512712721899:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1512978676213:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513040318768:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513154800735:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513239737761:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).

/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513239737761:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).

/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513239737761:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513933165296:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/pineone/gooper-test/icbms_2017-07-21_13-28-17.nq.gz:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/pineone/in/tomcat-juli.jar:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/pineone/out3/part-r-00000:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
.....Status: CORRUPT
 Total size:    1136215827409 B (Total open files size: 939529123 B)
 Total dirs:    1415
 Total files:   1864205
 Total symlinks:                0 (Files currently being written: 12)
 Total blocks (validated):      1864295 (avg. block size 609461 B) (Total open file blocks (not validated): 18)
  UNDER MIN REPL'D BLOCKS:      11 (5.900354E-4 %)
  dfs.namenode.replication.min: 1
  CORRUPT FILES:        11
  MISSING BLOCKS:       11
  MISSING SIZE:         321480184 B
 Minimally replicated blocks:   1864284 (99.99941 %)
 Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)
 Under-replicated blocks:       545406 (29.255348 %)
 Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)
 Default replication factor:    3
 Average block replication:     2.661861
 Corrupt blocks:                0
 Missing replicas:              630358 (11.270713 %)
 Number of data-nodes:          8
 Number of racks:               1
FSCK ended at Tue Jan 02 15:42:32 KST 2018 in 196868 milliseconds
FSCK ended at Tue Jan 02 15:42:32 KST 2018 in 196868 milliseconds
fsck encountered internal errors!

Fsck on path '/' FAILED

-----------hdfs fsck -storagepolicies실행 결과(Status: HEALTHY)----------




/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513239737761:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).

/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513239737761:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1513933165296:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/hadoop/spark/local-1514451281961:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 1 replica(s).
/user/pineone/gooper-test/icbms_2017-07-21_13-28-17.nq.gz:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/pineone/in/tomcat-juli.jar:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
/user/pineone/out3/part-r-00000:  Under replicated BP-605282214- Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s).
....Status: HEALTHY
 Total size:    1136067627332 B (Total open files size: 1312 B)
 Total dirs:    1446
 Total files:   1864304
 Total symlinks:                0 (Files currently being written: 4)
 Total blocks (validated):      1864376 (avg. block size 609355 B) (Total open file blocks (not validated): 3)
 Minimally replicated blocks:   1864376 (100.0 %)
 Over-replicated blocks:        0 (0.0 %)
 Under-replicated blocks:       526644 (28.247736 %)
 Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)
 Default replication factor:    3
 Average block replication:     2.682025
 Corrupt blocks:                0
 Missing replicas:              592825 (10.599168 %)
 Number of data-nodes:          8
 Number of racks:               1

Blocks satisfying the specified storage policy:
Storage Policy                  # of blocks       % of blocks
DISK:5(HOT)                   796652              42.7302%
DISK:3(HOT)                   595925              31.9638%
DISK:4(HOT)                   471514              25.2907%
DISK:6(HOT)                      274               0.0147%
DISK:1(HOT)                       10               0.0005%
DISK:2(HOT)                        1               0.0001%

All blocks satisfy specified storage policy.
FSCK ended at Tue Jan 02 17:08:00 KST 2018 in 184737 milliseconds

The filesystem under path '/' is HEALTHY

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
501 [Kudu]ERROR: Unable to advance iterator for node with id '2' for Kudu table 'impala::core.pm0_abdasubjct': Network error: recv error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107) 2023.03.16 636
500 spark-shell실행시 "A read-only user or a user in a read-only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode on a connection."오류가 발생하는 경우 해결방법 2016.05.20 620
499 spark-submit 실행시 "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"발생시 조치사항 2018.02.01 616
498 Job이 끝난 log을 볼수 있도록 설정하기 2016.05.30 616
497 외부 기기(usb, 하드)등 mount(연결)하기 2014.08.03 608
496 Error: Could not find or load main class nodemnager 가 발생할때 해결하는 방법 2015.06.05 606
495 spark client프로그램 기동시 "Error initializing SparkContext"오류 발생할때 조치사항 2016.05.27 602
494 db를 통째로 새로운 이름의 db로 복사하는 방법/절차 2017.11.14 598
493 hive기동시 Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Relative path in absolute URI: ${system:java.io.tmpdir%7D/$%7Bsystem:user.name%7D 오류 발생시 조치사항 2016.09.25 591
492 java.util.NoSuchElementException발생시 조치 2014.08.27 582
491 HDFS 파일및 디렉토리 생성시 생성방법에 따라 권한이 다르게 부여된다. 2022.05.30 577
490 CDP에서 AD와 Kerberos를 활용하여 인증 환경을 구축하는 3가지 방법 2022.06.10 573
489 Container killed by the ApplicationMaster. Container killed on request. Exit code is 143 Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143 TaskAttempt killed because it ran on unusable node 오류시 조치방법 2017.04.06 572
488 [번역] solr 검색 엔진 튜토리얼 2014.10.07 572
487 spark-sql실행시 The specified datastore driver ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") was not found in the CLASSPATH오류 발생시 조치사항 2016.06.09 567
486 시스템날짜를 현재 정보로 동기화 하는 방법(rdate, ntpdate이용) 2014.08.24 567
485 Incompatible clusterIDs오류 원인및 해결방법 2016.04.01 566
484 데이타 제공 사이트 링크 2014.08.03 566
483 CDH에서 Sentry 개념및 설정 file 2018.06.21 564
482 Eclipse실행시 Java was started but returned exit code=1이라는 오류가 발생할때 조치방법 2016.11.07 563