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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

curl -u 'xxxx':'xxxx' 'http://CM_server.domain.com:7180/api/v11/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2017-10... statement RLIKE ".*fawzea.*"' >>f.json


*참고 : https://cloudera.github.io/cm_api/apidocs/v19/index.html


This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API. All requests and responses are presented in Javascript Object Notation (JSON).

The API resources listed below follow standard Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) semantics where the HTTP request path defines the entity to be acted on and the HTTP method expresses the type of action to perform.

HTTP MethodOperation
POSTCreate entries
GETRead entries
PUTUpdate or edit entries
DELETEDelete entries

All collections in the API use plural names, 'users', instead of the singular, 'user'. To address a specific user in the system, expand the URL path to include the user identifier. For example, '/users/foo' identifies user 'foo' and '/users/bar' identifies user 'bar'.

CollectionPOST (create)GET (read)PUT (update)DELETE (delete)
/usersCreate a new userList all users in the systemBulk update all usersDelete all users
/users/fooerrorRead information about user 'foo'If user 'foo' exists, update their information; otherwise, error.Delete user 'foo'

Keep in mind that not all collections support all operations. For example, events in the system are read-only; you cannot create new events with the API.

You can list the entries in a collection using one of two views: 'summary' or 'full'. The default 'summary' view provides the core information about each entry. The 'full' view is more heavyweight and provides a fully expanded view of each entry. The view is controlled by a query parameter called 'view' e.g. 'GET /users?view=full'.

HTTP requests should set the "Content-Type" header to "application/json" for most calls, unless specified otherwise.


The Cloudera Manager API uses HTTP basic access authentication. It accepts the same user credentials as the web interface. Different users may have different levels of access, as defined by their roles. (See the user management API calls for more.) With every authenticated request, the server returns a session cookie, which can be subsequently used for authentication.

Error Code

The API returns HTTP code in the 400s and 500s upon errors:

  • 400 — Invalid request parameters; Malformed requests
  • 401 — Authentication failure
  • 403 — Authorization failure
  • 404 — Object not found
  • 500 — Internal API error
  • 503 — Response temporarily unavailable; caller should retry later

See /tools/echoError for a discussion on the body of an error response.

API Usage Tutorial

Tutorial link.

API Version

The API can be queried for the latest version it supports. By making a GET request to the '/version' URL, a string will be returned with the highest supported version (for example, "v2").

Note that servers that only support API v1 do not support this call. In that case, a 404 error will be returned, and can be used to detect that the server only supports v1.

The version should be prepended to the path of the REST resources listed below. The documentation of the different resources lists the version which added the particular functionality.

REST Resources

This API supports a Representational State Transfer (REST) model for accessing a set of resources through a fixed set of operations. The following resources are accessible through the RESTful model:

There is also a WADL document describing the REST API.

Data Model

All endpoints act on a common set of data. The Cloudera Manager API uses JSON.

Data Elements

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
541 [dovecot]dovecot restart할때 root@gsda4:/usr/lib/dovecot# service dovecot restart 오류 발생시 조치사항 2017.06.12 767
540 solr 인스턴스 기동후 shard에 서버가 정상적으로 할당되지 않는 경우 해결책 2016.04.29 763
539 lateral view 예제 2014.09.18 761
538 sendmail전송시 421 4.3.0 collect: Cannot write ./dfv5BA2EBS010579 (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=114): No such file or directory 발생시 조치사항 2017.06.11 753
537 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS에 4대에 Hadoop 2.8.0설치 2017.05.01 753
536 hue.desktop_document2의 type의 종류 2020.02.10 752
535 [Sentry]HDFS의 ACL을 Sentry와 연동후 테스트 2020.06.02 743
534 서버 5대에 solr 5.5.0 설치하고 index data를 HDFS에 저장/search하도록 설치/설정하는 방법(SolrCloud) 2016.04.08 738
533 fuseki용 config-examples.ttl 예시 내용 2017.05.17 735
532 znode /hbase recursive하게 지우기 2015.05.06 734
531 Halyard - RDF4J와 Apache HBase를 이용하여 구현된 TripleStore이며 SPARQL 1.1쿼리를 지원한다. 2016.12.29 717
530 springframework를 이용한 war를 생성하는 build.gradle파일(참고용) 2016.08.19 717
529 Flume을 이용한 데이타 수집시 HBase write 성능 튜닝 file 2016.10.31 713
528 solr에서 한글사용시 주의점 2014.09.26 712
527 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread오류 발생지 조치사항 2016.10.17 706
526 uEnv.txt위치및 내용 2014.07.09 702
525 [SBT] assembly시 "[error] deduplicate: different file contents found in the following:"오류 발생시 조치사항 2016.08.04 700
524 kafka-manager 설정및 실행하기 2017.03.20 698
523 hadoop 클러스터 실행 스크립트 정리 2018.03.20 694
522 lubuntu 호스트 네임변경 2014.08.03 694