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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

------ 전체 테이블 목록
select a.owner as tbl_owner, a.owner_type as tbl_owner_type,
a.tbl_name, a.tbl_type, B.DB_LOCATION_URI, b.name as db_name from  HIVE.TBLS a, HIVE.DBS b where a.db_id=B.DB_id;

------전체 코디네이터 목록
select a.id, a.name, dbms_lob.substr(a.description, 10000,1), B.USERNAME from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2 a, hue.auth_user b
where a.owner_id=B.ID and type='oozie-coordinator2' and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0;

------전체 WF 목록
select a.name, dbms_lob.substr(a.description, 10000,1), B.USERNAME from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2 a, hue.auth_user b
where a.owner_id=B.ID and type='oozie-workflow2' and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0;

---전체 코디네이터및 WF목록
select a.id, a.name, dbms_lob.substr(a.description, 10000,1), B.USERNAME, a.type, A.LAST_MODIFIED from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2 a, hue.auth_user b
where a.owner_id=B.ID and type in('oozie-workflow2','oozie-coordinator2') and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0;

-----from_document2_id기준 전체

select b.lvl, a.id, (select k.username from hue.auth_user k where k.id=a.owner_id) as username, a.last_modified,
a.name, dbms_lob.substr(a.description, 10000,1) as remark, a.type
, (select c.name from hue.desktop_document2 c where c.id=b.from_document2_id) as from_work, b.from_document2_id as from_id
, (select d.name from hue.desktop_document2 d where d.id=b.to_document2_id) as to_work
, (select dbms_lob.substr(e.description, 10000,1) from hue.desktop_document2 e where e.id=b.to_document2_id) as to_work_remark
, b.to_document2_id as to_id
from hue.desktop_document2 a,
  select level as lvl, id, from_document2_id, to_document2_id, connect_by_iscycle isloop from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2_DEPENDENCIES
   -- start with from_document2_id=67292 -- 코디네이터
  connect by nocycle prior to_document2_id = from_document2_id
) b
where a.id=b.from_document2_id and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0 and type in ('oozie-coordinator2','oozie-workflow2');

-------코디네이터를 기준으로 코디네이터와 WF 구조 목록.
select b.lvl, a.id, (select k.username from hue.auth_user k where k.id=a.owner_id) as username, a.last_modified,
a.name, dbms_lob.substr(a.description, 10000,1) as remark, a.type
, (select c.name from hue.desktop_document2 c where c.id=b.from_document2_id) as from_work, b.from_document2_id as from_id
, (select d.name from hue.desktop_document2 d where d.id=b.to_document2_id) as to_work
, (select dbms_lob.substr(e.description, 10000,1) from hue.desktop_document2 e where e.id=b.to_document2_id) as to_work_remark
, b.to_document2_id as to_id
from hue.desktop_document2 a,
  select level as lvl, id, from_document2_id, to_document2_id, connect_by_iscycle isloop from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2_DEPENDENCIES
   -- start with from_document2_id=67292 -- 코디네이터
   start with from_document2_id in (select id from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2
       where type='oozie-coordinator2' and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0)
  connect by nocycle prior to_document2_id = from_document2_id
) b
where a.id=b.from_document2_id and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0 and type in ('oozie-coordinator2','oozie-workflow2');

select a.*, b.username from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2 a, hue.auth_user b
       where type in('oozie-coordinator2','oozie-workflow2') and is_history=0 and is_trashed=0
       and a.id not in ( select from_document2_id from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2_DEPENDENCIES
                       select to_document2_id from HUE.DESKTOP_DOCUMENT2_DEPENDENCIES
       and a.owner_id=B.ID;              

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
382 Cloudera Manager의 Java Heap Size변경하는 방법 2022.06.27 965
381 [Sentry] sentry메타 DB를 이용하여 테이블에 매핑되어 있는 role명칭 찾는 방법. 2022.06.22 1405
380 Authorization within Hadoop Projects 2022.06.13 278
379 CDP에서 AD와 Kerberos를 활용하여 인증 환경을 구축하는 3가지 방법 2022.06.10 953
378 [AD(LADP)] CDP1.7에서 AD및 Kerberos를 연동해도 각 노드에 os account, os group은 생성되어야 하지만 SSSD서비스를 이용하면 직접 생성될 필요가 없다. 2022.06.10 942
377 Query 1234:1234 expired due to client inactivity(timeout is 5m)및 invalid query handle 2022.06.10 1082
376 HDFS 파일및 디렉토리 생성시 생성방법에 따라 권한이 다르게 부여된다. 2022.05.30 1363
375 [Cloudera Agent] Metadata-Plugin throttling_logger INFO (713 skipped) Unable to send data to nav server. Will try again. 2022.05.16 198
374 "bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_get_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')])" 오류는 CA인증을 하지 못해서 발생함 2022.05.13 1124
373 [TLS/SSL]Kudu Tablet Server설정 2022.05.13 1237
372 [TLS/SSL]Kudu Master 설정하기 2022.05.13 1239
371 [TLS/SSL]Cloudera 6.3.4기준 Oozie Web UI TLS설정 항목및 설정값 2022.05.13 1228
370 [TLS/SSL]Cloudera CDH6.3.4기준 Hue TLS설정 항목 2022.05.13 1112
369 [HIVESERVER2]프로세스의 thread및 stack trace를 덤프하는 방법(pstack, jstack) 2022.05.11 1013
368 [Hue]Hue의 메타정보를 담고 있는 desktop_document테이블과 desktop_document2의 관계 2022.05.09 1201
367 Error: IO_ERROR : java.io.IOException: Error while connecting Oozie server 2022.05.02 1523
366 oozie webui접근시 id/pw를 물어보는 Windows보안 팝업창이 뜰때 확인/조치방법 2022.05.02 1873
365 Could not authenticate, GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any kerberos tgt) 2022.04.28 1207
364 [hive] hive.tbls테이블의 owner컬럼값은 hadoop.security.auth_to_local에 의해서 filtering된다. 2022.04.14 662
» hue메타 정보를 저장(oracle DB)하는 내부 테이블을 이용하여 전체 테이블목록, 전체 코디네이터 목록, 코디네이터기준 workflow구조를 추출하는 쿼리문 2022.04.01 270