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Cloudera, BigData, Semantic IoT, Hadoop, NoSQL

Cloudera CDH/CDP 및 Hadoop EcoSystem, Semantic IoT등의 개발/운영 기술을 정리합니다. gooper@gooper.com로 문의 주세요.

curl -u 'xxxx':'xxxx' 'http://CM_server.domain.com:7180/api/v11/clusters/cluster/services/impala/impalaQueries?from=2017-10... statement RLIKE ".*fawzea.*"' >>f.json


*참고 : https://cloudera.github.io/cm_api/apidocs/v19/index.html


This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API. All requests and responses are presented in Javascript Object Notation (JSON).

The API resources listed below follow standard Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) semantics where the HTTP request path defines the entity to be acted on and the HTTP method expresses the type of action to perform.

HTTP MethodOperation
POSTCreate entries
GETRead entries
PUTUpdate or edit entries
DELETEDelete entries

All collections in the API use plural names, 'users', instead of the singular, 'user'. To address a specific user in the system, expand the URL path to include the user identifier. For example, '/users/foo' identifies user 'foo' and '/users/bar' identifies user 'bar'.

CollectionPOST (create)GET (read)PUT (update)DELETE (delete)
/usersCreate a new userList all users in the systemBulk update all usersDelete all users
/users/fooerrorRead information about user 'foo'If user 'foo' exists, update their information; otherwise, error.Delete user 'foo'

Keep in mind that not all collections support all operations. For example, events in the system are read-only; you cannot create new events with the API.

You can list the entries in a collection using one of two views: 'summary' or 'full'. The default 'summary' view provides the core information about each entry. The 'full' view is more heavyweight and provides a fully expanded view of each entry. The view is controlled by a query parameter called 'view' e.g. 'GET /users?view=full'.

HTTP requests should set the "Content-Type" header to "application/json" for most calls, unless specified otherwise.


The Cloudera Manager API uses HTTP basic access authentication. It accepts the same user credentials as the web interface. Different users may have different levels of access, as defined by their roles. (See the user management API calls for more.) With every authenticated request, the server returns a session cookie, which can be subsequently used for authentication.

Error Code

The API returns HTTP code in the 400s and 500s upon errors:

  • 400 — Invalid request parameters; Malformed requests
  • 401 — Authentication failure
  • 403 — Authorization failure
  • 404 — Object not found
  • 500 — Internal API error
  • 503 — Response temporarily unavailable; caller should retry later

See /tools/echoError for a discussion on the body of an error response.

API Usage Tutorial

Tutorial link.

API Version

The API can be queried for the latest version it supports. By making a GET request to the '/version' URL, a string will be returned with the highest supported version (for example, "v2").

Note that servers that only support API v1 do not support this call. In that case, a 404 error will be returned, and can be used to detect that the server only supports v1.

The version should be prepended to the path of the REST resources listed below. The documentation of the different resources lists the version which added the particular functionality.

REST Resources

This API supports a Representational State Transfer (REST) model for accessing a set of resources through a fixed set of operations. The following resources are accessible through the RESTful model:

There is also a WADL document describing the REST API.

Data Model

All endpoints act on a common set of data. The Cloudera Manager API uses JSON.

Data Elements

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
547 spark 2.3.0을 설치하가 위해서 parcel에 다음 url을 입력한다. 2018.07.15 1451
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545 upsert구현방법(년-월-일 파티션을 기준으로) 및 테스트 script file 2018.07.03 2922
544 resouce manager에 dr.who가 아닌 다른 사용자로 로그인 하기 2018.06.28 2598
543 하둡기반 데이타 모델링(6편) 2018.06.27 985
542 CDH에서 Sentry 개념및 설정 file 2018.06.21 1470
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540 dr.who로 공격들어오는 경우 조치방법 file 2018.06.09 6486
539 spark-shell을 실행하면 "Attempted to request executors before the AM has registered!"라는 오류가 발생하면 2018.06.08 1475
538 SCM서비스를 추가하는 동안 Unexpected error. Unable to verify database connection. 오류발생시 확인 사항 2018.06.08 1637
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535 spark 시동중 applicationHistory 로그 디렉토리가 없다고 하면서 기동되지 않는 경우 2018.06.01 1814
534 impala2를 Cloudera Manager가 아닌 수동으로 설치하는 방법 2018.05.30 1849
533 MapReduce2.0(YARN)기반의 CDH5 설치시 생성되는 사용자및 권한 부여 2018.05.30 1838
532 HUE를 사용할 사용자를 추가 하는 절차 2018.05.29 1955
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530 DataNode를 기동할때 "Block pool ID needed, but service not yet registered with NN" 오류 발생에 따른 조치사항 2018.05.28 2391
529 Cloudera Manager설치및 Uninstall 방법(순서) 2018.05.28 2830
528 우분투 서버에 GUI로 접속하기 file 2018.05.27 1739