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공통 oracle 8i제공 explan table 생성 script

박상현 2004.05.08 23:42 조회 수 : 2571 추천:42

rem $Header: utlxplan.sql big_dev/0 11-aug-95.14:02:45 achaudhr Exp $ xplainpl.sql
Rem Copyright (c) 1988, 1995, 1996, 1998 by Oracle Corporation
Rem     mzait      02/19/98 -  add distribution method column
Rem     ddas       05/17/96 -  change search_columns to number
Rem     achaudhr   07/23/95 -  PTI: Add columns partition_{start, stop, id}
Rem     glumpkin   08/25/94 -  new optimizer fields
Rem     jcohen     11/05/93 -  merge changes from branch 1.1.710.1 - 9/24
Rem     jcohen     09/24/93 - #163783 add optimizer column
Rem     glumpkin   10/25/92 -  Renamed from XPLAINPL.SQL
Rem     jcohen     05/22/92 - #79645 - set node width to 128 (M_XDBI in gendef)
Rem     rlim       04/29/91 -         change char to varchar2
Rem   Peeler     10/19/88 - Creation
Rem This is the format for the table that is used by the EXPLAIN PLAN
Rem statement.  The explain statement requires the presence of this
Rem table in order to store the descriptions of the row sources.

create table PLAN_TABLE (
        statement_id         varchar2(30),
        timestamp            date,
        remarks              varchar2(80),
        operation            varchar2(30),
        options               varchar2(30),
        object_node          varchar2(128),
        object_owner         varchar2(30),
        object_name          varchar2(30),
        object_instance numeric,
        object_type     varchar2(30),
        optimizer       varchar2(255),
        search_columns  number,
        id                numeric,
        parent_id        numeric,
        position        numeric,
        cost                numeric,
        cardinality        numeric,
        bytes                numeric,
        other_tag       varchar2(255),
        partition_start varchar2(255),
        partition_stop  varchar2(255),
        partition_id    numeric,
        other                long,
        distribution    varchar2(30));

select b.emp_no, b.emp_nm, a.GRP_CD from a a, b b
where a.emp_no(+) = b.emp_no
  and a.emp_no = 'a'
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